6 April 2021

The University of Copenhagen's guards are running green

Sustainable transport

When UCPH in the winter of 2020 changed security company, there was a clear demand: The patrol car had to run on electricity. This reduces the carbon footprint from the daily patrol between the university's buildings.

UCPH's guard's electric car
UCPH's guard's electric car

A trip to Næstved. This is how far UCPH's patrol car runs every day when it patrols the University's buildings around Copenhagen. Therefore, sustainable transport has been an important priority, in choosing a security company. It was a requirement in the call for tenders that an electric car was available for work at the UCPH. The choice fell on CS Vagt, who was able to live up to the requirement with an electric VW UP.

In order to offer electricity, recharging points have been established at the University of Copenhagen's Security Centre at the Botanical Garden and in the basement under Panum. The charging station at the observatory in the Botanical Gardens can provide electricity for more UCPH cars when needed.

In the years to come, UCPH will incorporate green requirements in more calls for tenders.